140 BOTANY. diameters. Except where otherwise specified, the figures are enlarged about 10 diameters. Beickellia betonic^folia, Gray (Pl Wright. 2, 72).—Erect, covered with spreading, jointed hairs ; leaves sessile, ovate, 3-nerved, crenate, hairy and somewhat glandular above and below, becoming smaller toward the top and gradually reduced to mere bracts; 2-4 heads of flowers on pedun¬ cles from the axils of the upper and opposite leaves; involucre in two or three series, aU acute and ribbed, but the inner twice longer than the outer; pappus rough and achenium silky viUose.—Arizona, Prof. Oscar Loew. Beickellia Weightii, Gray (Pl. Wright. 2, 72).—Sub-shrubby, 4° high, much branched, glabrous or puberulent below, sub-scabrous and glandular above; leaves petioled, cordate, irregularly crenately toothed; veins prominent below; inflorescence thyrsoid-paniculate, each branch from the axil of a small leaf or branch; pedicels distinctly glandular hairy; heads about 15-flowered; corollas slender and styles much exserted; achenia hirto-puberulent; pappus roughish ; scales of the involucre in about three series, purple-tipped, plainly nerved, obtuse.—Black River, south of Camp Apache, Ariz., at 5,000 feet elevation (793). Beickellia Califoenica, Gray.—Nevada and Utah. Beickellia geandifloea, Nutt.—Colorado (422, 423). LiATEis SCAEIOSA, Willd —Dwarfed specimens fi-om Trout Creek, Colo¬ rado (458). Xanthocephalum* gymnospeemoides, Benth. & Hook. (Gutierreziaf gymnospermoides, Gray, Pl. Wright. 2, 79.)—Smooth, erect, herbaceous, 2-3° high; leaves lanceolate, entire or nearly so, tapering into a petiole, slightly glistening with a gummy exudation, 2-3' long, and about 6" wide; heads in a compound corymb; rays many, rather small, without pappus; disk- flowers with a minute crown-like pappus of chaff, which in the central * Xanthocephalum, Willd.—Heads heterogamous; flowers of the ray pistillate, numerous, about 1-seriate; disk-flowers perfect, fertile. Involucre hemispherical or broadly campanulate; bracts in mauy series, imbricated, coriaceous, with appressed or spreading tips, tho outer ones smaller. Eeceptaclo plane, foveolate. Pistillate eoroUa ligulate, sub-entire, spreading, elongated or small; perfect flowers regular, tubular; limb somewhat enlarged, 5-cleft at the apex. Anthers entire, obtuse at base. Style of the perfect flowers with flattened branches; appendages triangular or lanceolate. Achenia hardly compressed, sniooth or striate. Pappus of minute chaff, coroniform or none.—Herbs or shruhs, with erect or ascending stems, often branching. Heads middle or large sized, solitary, on the end of the branches or loosely corymbose. Flowers all yellow. Achenia smooth.—Bentham & Hooker.